Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sugar continued.

While I have decided to use the healing qualities of sugar for my final website, I'm having trouble deciding what subpages I should include. Any suggestions?

So far my ideas are:

  1. A page that highlights my experience with sugar to treat Subi's wound. In addition to sharing my experience with text, I have multiple pictures that show the course of his treatment. I may also consider interviewing my vet as well?
  2. History of the therapeutic uses of sugar.
  3. Links to websites/scholarship on therapeutic uses?
  4. Use of sugar to treat other animals? (Dogs, cats, etc.)
  5. Human use?


  1. I certainly don't know anything about the use of sugar for healing purposes. But one option for a subpage would be a critical look at this use of sugar. Does the FDA have anything to say about it? Are their critics of the use of sugar for healing purposes?

  2. I think Scott has an interesting take on this. There's a possibility that you could link that to the history of sugar treatments. Do you know if anyone ever tried to make a commercial first aid product using sugar?

    The other area I would really be interested in knowing more about is why it works. That could be related the page you are thinking about on scholarship. I think that's what intrigues me so much about your project, is why do sugar and honey fight bacteria?
